CbxManager : script Python de conversion d'images en CBZ

bd 7 sept. 2017

Pour les comics/BDs, certains préfèrent les .PDF, d’autres les .CBR/CBZ (archives RAR/ZIP). Je suis des derniers. Il arrive malheureusement qu’on tombe parfois sur des partagent sous forme de dossiers contenant des .JPG. Voici un petit script Python de Lightjohn qui permet de convertir ces dossiers en .CBZ.

cbxmanager.py (pris de GitHub)

# coding=utf-8
import argparse
import image_slicer
import os
import shutil
from PIL import Image  # python-imaging
from zipfile import ZipFile

images = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]
suffix_sliced = "_sliced"

class CbxManager:
    def __init__(self):
        self.verbose = False
        self.cut = False
        self.reverse = False
        self.sep = os.sep

    def parse_dir(self, input_path):
        This function should be called with path to folder as argument. It will
        extract images from the folder with NO recursivity and will add the images
        inside a cbz archive that will be named:
            :param input_path: path/to/folder
        # if the input is a folder we will try to cbz it
        path_deconstruct = [x for x in input_path.split(self.sep) if x != '']  # Note: sep
        folder = path_deconstruct[-1]
        if self.verbose:
            print("Parsing folder: " + folder)
        # opening cbz and parsing folder to find images
        path_deconstruct[-1] += '.cbz'
        out_cbz = os.path.join(*path_deconstruct)  # Note: list to args=*
        # If the path was from the root
        if input_path[0] == self.sep:
            out_cbz = self.sep + out_cbz
        # Adding all images in the output cbz
        with ZipFile(out_cbz, 'w') as myzip:
            for files in sorted(os.listdir(input_path)):
                ext = files[-3:].lower()
                if ext in images:
                    file_to_add = os.path.join(input_path, files)
                    if self.verbose:  # Note: If verbose
                        print("        Adding " + file_to_add)
            if self.verbose:
                print("    CBZ created: " + out_cbz)

    def parse_cbz(self, input_path):
        This function should be called with path to cbz as argument. It will
        extract images from the cbz and will write them in a folder near the cbz
            :param input_path: path/to/file.cbz
            output = path/to/file

        path_deconstruct = [x for x in input_path.split(self.sep) if x != '']  # Note: os.sep
        cbr_file = path_deconstruct[-1]
        path_out = input_path.replace(".cbz", "")
        if self.verbose:
            print("Parsing cbr files: " + cbr_file)
        with ZipFile(input_path, 'r') as myzip:
            files_to_extract = myzip.namelist()
            except OSError:
            for tmp_file in files_to_extract:
                name = tmp_file.split(self.sep)[-1]
                if self.verbose:
                    print("        Extracting " + path_out + self.sep + name)
                with open(path_out + self.sep + name, "wb") as tmp_img:
            if self.verbose:
                print("    CBZ extracted to " + path_out)

    def slice_folder(self, input_path):
        This function should be called with a path to a folder as argument. It will
        extract images from the folder with NO recursivity and will slice them if the
        weight is > to the height.
            :param input_path: path/to/folder/bigImage.jpg
            output = path/to/folder_sliced/bigImage-0_01_01.jpg

        print("Parsing folder: " + input_path)
        if input_path[-1] == self.sep:
            path_out = input_path[:-1] + suffix_sliced
            path_out = input_path + suffix_sliced
        except OSError:
        for files in sorted(os.listdir(input_path)):
            ext = files[-3:].lower()
            if ext in images:
                file_to_add = os.path.join(input_path, files)
                im = Image.open(file_to_add)
                (w, h) = im.size
                if w > h:
                    if self.verbose:  # Note: If verbose
                        print("        Slicing ", file_to_add, str(w) + "x" + str(h))
                    tiles = image_slicer.slice(file_to_add, 2, save=False)
                    size_tile = len(tiles)
                    if self.reverse:  # If it's a manga, then the first page is the right page
                        for a in tiles:
                            pos_tile = a.position
                            a.position = (size_tile, pos_tile[1])
                            size_tile -= 1
                    image_slicer.save_tiles(tiles, directory=path_out, prefix=files[:-4], format='jpg')
                    shutil.copy(file_to_add, path_out)
        return path_out

    def launch(self, path_to_data, verbose=True, cut=False, reverse=False):
        Front function that receive the arguments and choose what to do:
        Path -> Convert to cbz
        CbX -> Try to open it
        :param reverse: To switch from manga to comic or comic to manga
        :param cut: Split the images in two
        :param verbose: You talk to me ?
        :param path_to_data: The folder or cbz file
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.cut = cut
        self.reverse = reverse
        # We need a list to be able to iter on
        if not isinstance(path_to_data, list):
            path_to_data = [path_to_data]
        for i in path_to_data:
            if i[-4:] == ".cbz":
            elif os.path.isdir(i):
                if cut:
                    path_tmp = self.slice_folder(i)
                print("Do not know what it is: " + i)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process folders to cbX, cbX to folders and maybe more\n \
        if the input is a folder, we will compress it to a cbz\n \
        if the input is a cbX we will do according to the options\n \
            no option: extract the cbz to a folder\n\
            -c extract and split the images\n", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument('pathToData', nargs='+', help='Path to the folder or cbX')
    parser.add_argument('-c', action='store_true',
                        help='will try to extract the images from cbX and cut the image in 2')
    parser.add_argument('-r', action='store_true',
                        help='If splitting is activated then we will reverse the order if the pages (for manga)')
    parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', help='verbose')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    cbx = CbxManager()
    cbx.launch(args.pathToData, verbose=args.v, cut=args.c, reverse=args.r)


Au besoin installez le module Python image_slicer (je pars du principe que vous avez déjà ZIP)

sudo pip install image_slicer

Puis exécutez le script sous cette forme 

python cbxmanager.py dossier_d_images_à_convertir

Soit, pour convertir le dossier BD en BD.cbz

python cbxmanager.py BD

Ou encore, pour convertir les dossiers 1, 2, 3, 4 dans le dossier BD

python cbxmanager.py BD/*



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