ruTorrent auto-delete

Retirer automatique des .torrents de ruTorrent en se basant sur ratio/seedtime. En excluant des labels.

Script de KevinWang15 sur GitHub. Adapté en Docker par banixc.

Un exemple de configuration

module.exports = {
    // check interval in seconds
    interval: 180,

    // front end url for rutorrent
    url: "",

    // delete old torrents and free up space when used space exceeds the following ratio
    ratio: 1,

    // When freeing up space, delete all torrents with a share ratio higher than 10 first (set to 0 to disable)
    // (criterion: when UploadedSize >= 10 * TotalSize, affects downloading torrents too)
    maxShareRatio: 10,

    // delete torrents with seed time higher than 86400 * 3 seconds
    maxSeedTime: 806400 * 3 + /* (*/3600/*) buffer time*/,

    // ignore (do not delete) all torrents with tag "keep" set
    keepTag: "ratio",

    // exempt newly added torrents for 300s
    newTorrentsTTL: 600,

    // leave empty if not using basic auth
    basicAuthUsername: "user",
    basicAuthPassword: "pwd",

    maxConcurrentHttpRequests: 8,